Some monsters have skills that claim to inflict "damage that ignores all damage reduction effects." However, the earlier translation used by the Samurai family was actually more accurate: "damage that ignores all beneficial effects that reduces the inflicted damage." [sic]
Such a skill does not actually ignore all damage reduction effects in the English sense. "Effects" in this case refers to Beneficial Effects, also known as Buffs. If the target enemy has a buff that would reduce the damage it receives, then that buff will be ignored. Specifically the following buffs will be ignored by these types of skills:
So, if you are going up against that pesky Rina or Chloe defense, you might consider bringing along a monster who can ignore damage reduction effects.
There are some ways to counter an "ignore damage reduction effects" skill, and reduce the damage anyway:
- Change the type of hit:
Increased CRI Resist
Glancing Hit - this includes passives such as Molly, Devinodon, stance based glancing of the sniper family, and good old fashioned attribute disadvantage
- Passive damage reduction skills like Darion / Dias, Groggo / Laika, etc still work. (Skills not Effects)
- Lack of Decrease DEF or Brand debuffs: skills that ignore damage reduction still benefit from harmful effects that raise damage, so if you can prevent / cleanse those, that will help.
Who has it[]
- Skill one: Beast Hunter, Sniper Mk.I, hector
- Skill two: Phantom Thief - fire / wind / dark, Dragon Knight - Laika / Chow / Jager
- Skill three: Cassie, Karl, Melissa, Wolyung
- Skill four: all Samurai
- Practically speaking, monsters with an HP Balancing skill also ignore damage reduction effects, since they are not dealing damage: Harmonia, Vivachel, Monte