Summoners War Sky Arena Wiki

Some monsters have skills that claim to inflict "damage that ignores all damage reduction effects." However, the earlier translation used by the Samurai family was actually more accurate: "damage that ignores all beneficial effects that reduces the inflicted damage." [sic]


Such a skill does not actually ignore all damage reduction effects in the English sense. "Effects" in this case refers to Beneficial Effects, also known as Buffs. If the target enemy has a buff that would reduce the damage it receives, then that buff will be ignored. Specifically the following buffs will be ignored by these types of skills:

  • Status InvincibilityInvincibility
  • DefendDefend
  • Status ShieldStatus BrandShields
  • Status Increase DefenseIncrease DEF
  • Status Reflect DamageReflect DMG

So, if you are going up against that pesky Rina or Chloe defense, you might consider bringing along a monster who can ignore damage reduction effects.


There are some ways to counter an "ignore damage reduction effects" skill, and reduce the damage anyway:

  • Change the type of hit:
  • Passive damage reduction skills like Darion / Dias, Groggo / Laika, etc still work. (Skills not Effects)
  • Lack of Decrease DEF or Brand debuffs: skills that ignore damage reduction still benefit from harmful effects that raise damage, so if you can prevent / cleanse those, that will help.

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