Summoners War Sky Arena Wiki

Before reading keep in mind that this information might not be completely accurate; with the exception of the general layout of the formulae (which I concluded via the wikia's information), most of the other information is what I've gathered from experience with the game - not collected data. - If you see something that needs to be changed please feel free to edit or mention it in the comments below; I know some of this is VERY basic but I did my best to explain everything to the best of my knowledge.

Speed Scaling[]

SPD Scale: Damage increases as your speed increases

General formula for speed scale attacks: Multiplier = ATK% = (SPD + C)/D

ATK% -  Represents a fixed base for the attack percentage for the given skill

C - Represents a constant for the given skill

- Represents a constant denominator for the given skill

Speed scaling is the only type of scaling that actually synergizes and amplifies damage between 2 particular stats. (This includes the speed scaling when it is compared with enemy speed as well; i.e. "Damage is proportionate to your speed and your enemy's speed" - this type of scaling is only slightly different than the normal speed scale.)

Factors that affect damage output of speed scaling:[]

  • Speed Debuff and attack debuff, when applied to the offending monster, reduce damage output, while both buffs enhance damage output. Speed buff enhances damage to a lesser extent than Attack buff.
  • Branding and Defense break (except in the case of defense ignore rendering defense break useless) on the defending enemy enhances damage output; I'm not sure if speed buff & speed debuff on the defending enemy affects "based on enemy speed" type of scaling, but in the event that it does, speed buffed enemies will receive greater damage while debuffed enemies will recieve less.

Due to the synergy effect of Speed Scaling, it is actually possible to attain skill multipliers over 1000% with monsters like Chimera (Squall).

Attack Scaling[]

ATK Scale is very straightforward and has no additional damage enhancing stats involved.

  • Only affected by ATK buff/Debuff 
  • Harmful effects on the defending unit that enhance damage output: Only Defense break and Branding

Defense Scaling[]

Defense Scale: Based on Defense stat; Also, it can be found as a hybrid with ATK and DEF affecting the final damage.

The common two formulae are as follow: ATK% + DEF% or DEF% only.

Factors that affect damage output of Defense Scaling[]

  • If the Multiplier is DEF% only, attack buff will not enhance damage output; If it is a hybrid scale with Attack stat involved, damage output will increase with attack buff, but only by an amount consistent with the monsters final attack value and ATK% multiplier value. The same goes for Defense buff and DEF% multiplier portion of the skill. Branding and Defense break will also enhance damage output (except in the case of defense ignore rendering defense break useless).

HP Scaling[]

HP Scale: Based on HP Stat - Which is based on a hidden "CON" parameter (More on this later)

Formulae: Same as above, but with HP instead of DEF

Factors affecting damage output of HP Scaling:[]

  • Destroy Effect reduces damage output; No other debuffs on the offending monster affect HP scale damage output unless it has an ATK component.
  • Branding and defense break enhance damage output on the offending enemy.

Hidden "CON" Stat:[]

This section is to show that HP Scaling is actually very much the same as ATK% Scale and Def% Scale. This section is purely for clearing up the Vague multipliers of HP scales that you see on this wikia, and also, for allowing you to compare completely different stat scaling types. Some may see it as useless but I find it quite interesting.

There is a stat that is not visible within the game; I found it through reading files from the SWParser and eventually realized that the "HP" stat was missing, and "CON" stat was present. I realized that CON was HP when I decided to divide my monster's HP values by "CON" and it kept coming up as 15.

"CON" is the value that determine's a monster's base HP. HP = CON * 15

At first glance this information may seem irrelevant, but for those who are confused about the multipliers that say stuff like 12%x4 on Eshir's Massacre, this will help clear things up and allow you to actually calculate the potential damage output in comparison to a speed scale or attack scale.

If CON = 1/15th of HP stat - Simply take your HP stat and divide it by 15, then multiply the HP Scale percent by 15 to get an idea of it's final damage output; Keep in mind, while it is VERY possible to attain extremely outrages CON values in comparison to ATK and DEF values, you DO NOT have any buffs to help amplify your damage output; only debuffs. - Eshir's base HP: 12840- CON: 856... (Zerath sits at a staggering 1021 CON (15315HP - Coincidentally, the CON stat is equal to Dark Phoenix's base attack).

  • Example: My Eshir has 45500 HP with 194% CD and 48% multiplier; Pungbaek has 2319 ATK and 211 CD with a 900% multiplier. To get all stats in similar standing simply divide 45500 by 15 and multiply 48 by 15; this comes out to 3033.333... CON and a multiplier of 720% vs Pungbaek's 870% single target on Lightning Cycle. The ONLY reasons pungbaek can hit much harder than Eshir: Atk buff enhances output by 1.5x (Eshir doesn't have this luxury), and there is only ONE tower (outside of GW) that enhances HP% (20%) vs a total possible of 41% ATK% (elemental building + attack building).

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